
High ranking chief of police suspected of involvement in corruption scandal within Sweden’s police authority when giving mistress top job – found dead

Published February 23, 2023 | By

High ranking police chief involved in corruption scandal within Sweden’s police authority when giving mistress top job – now found dead
The high ranking chief of police, Mats Löfving, and his former mistress Linda Staaf. (Wikipedia / Youtube montage)

A high ranking chief of police within Sweden’s police authority, Mats Löfving, 61, has been found dead in his home on Wednesday, Swedish media reports.

What caused Löfvings death is still unclear.

Just a day before his death, a top investigator within the police authority, had recommended the country’s highest ranking chief of police, the Chief of the National Police, Anders Thornberg, to fire Löfving, after an investigation had revealed that Lofving had committed multiple “conflict of interest” acts, when he a few years ago hired his own mistress, Linda Staaf, 47, and gave her a top head job within the Swedish police force and with a very high salary, despite the fact that she had none or very little experience of the work tasks itself.

The former mistress, Staaf, even got her own gun, even though she had no right to bear arms.

The head investigator in the case, Runar Viksten, states that “Löfving did nothing wrong when Linda Staaf was hired” – but accuses him of “conflict of interest” acts in several other cases related to him hiring his own mistress.

The former mistress, Linda Staaf, got her job as the head of intelligence at the police’s national operations department (Noa) in 2015, despite the fact that the competition for the job was reported to be big, with applicants who had much more experience and competence than Staaf.

One of the applicants who wish to be anonymous told SVT that, “The appointee [Linda Staaf] had no police, executive or intelligence background to the top intelligence service of one of the largest agencies.”, but despite that, got the job before everybody else.

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